Wendy Williams has made an incredible physical transformation and looks fabulous after she lost 50 pounds! The talk show host answered some fan questions after Monday's episode of "The Wendy Williams Show" and revealed the secret to her amazing weight loss.

The 51-year-old revealed that she told herself "Just push back, fatso" and simply stopped consuming so much food. The host said that she stopped eating meat and started doing cardio and Pilates in order to get herself in shape. Williams told her viewers that she had tried every diet imaginable and none of them worked for her. Williams also said that she cut out refined sugars, dairy, and eating after dark.

"Slow and steady is the name of the game. It's not going to happen overnight," Williams said. "I no longer believe in fad diets, crash diets. I don't believe in diet pills. I don't want my heart to race and pop out of my chest. Yes, I did have a jump-start because years ago I did get the liposuction and a tummy tuck, but I have to say that, if there is a poster child for plastic surgery and the jump-off to a new lifestyle, it would be me."

The day-time talk show host also revealed some of her favorite healthy snacks which included kale chips, coconut water and wheat pasta, according to the Daily Mail.

Check out the video of Williams talking about her weight loss below!