"Jurassic World" made an incredible $1 billion at the international box office, but the one thing audiences could not stop talking about was the fact that Bryce Dallas Howard's character wore and ran in high heels throughout the film.

The actress discussed the movie's most talked-about moment with Cosmopolitan and told the magazine that her character, Claire, needed to seem "ill-equipped to be in the jungle."

"She was somebody who looks like she belongs in a corporate environment for a reason, because she was someone who was disconnected from the animals and disconnected from that reality and disconnected from herself. She doesn't at all expect that she's going to be tromping through the jungle," she explained to Cosmopolitan. "I'm really glad that we didn't make the choice for me to be barefoot, because that would have also been kind of dangerous."

"And you know what? She's in high heels because she's a woman who has been in high heels her whole life and she can f--king sprint in them," she added. "She can. That's kind of how I perceived it. She doesn't have to be in menswear and flats in order to outrun a T. rex. That's what women can do."

While Howard defended her character's decision, she did admit that she will not be wearing heels when the sequel to "Jurassic World" hits theatres in 2018, as HNGN previously reported.

"The way that [director] Colin [Trevorrow] told me that the sequel was happening, when it got greenlit, and that I was going to be in it, he texted me #NoHeels2018. And I was like, 'Yeah, boy,'" the actress revealed.

"Jurassic World 2" is scheduled to hit theaters June 22, 2018.