Lamar Odom and his father Joe Odom have always had a rocky relationship, but things were getting better, so it makes no sense to Joe that he would not be allowed to visit his son in the hospital while he recovers from his near-death overdose.

"I'm mad, I'm upset because this is the second time I came to see my son and they won't let me see my son," Joe told TMZ outside the hospital. "Like why can't I see my son? I brung him in the world. I'm highly upset right now. This is the second I'm a villain or something. This is my son."

When asked what seems to be the problem, an angry Joe explained that he's not on the visitors' list, meanwhile Lamar's management had told him he'd be on the list. "They shut it down where he didn't want to have no visitors and stuff like that. They let other people see my son that is not even related to him!" Joe then said that it's Lamar's wife Khloé Kardashian who is making the decisions on who can and cannot see his son, but this still confused Joe, as he and Lamar had been spending a lot of time together. Now that he has gone four days without seeing Lamar, he doesn't even know what condition his son is in.

When the former NBA player was still in a coma following the overdose, Kardashian was put in charge of his medical decisions as she was his next of kin. Now that Lamar is out of the coma and doing much better, he is making his own decisions, and those decisions include who gets to visit him, according to TMZ. A source has said that Kardashian had nothing to do with Joe getting turned down and that Odom has been the one communicating with the doctors. She wasn't even there when Joe was denied access, so it seems as though Lamar may have been the one to take him off the list.

While all of this goes on, Lamar's condition does continue to improve. "Lamar is getting better every day," a source told Us Weekly. "he is more coherent and can talk more...he is walking with help now. He is getting stronger every day. And has a great team of therapist and specialists working with him. He's 6-11 and weighs a lot, so getting him to walk a little has been really hard."