Lamar Odom's kidneys have been the biggest concern since he was found unconscious in a Nevada brothel on Oct. 13, but they're finally making some improvements. There was talk of him needing a kidney transplant - he was on about six hours of dialysis a day - but the former NBA player has made a serious turnaround.

In the past 48 hours, his kidneys, which were once failing on him from the severity of the overdose, have started to respond well enough that they were able to move him from the ICU to the physical therapy floor and get him off of the dialysis, according to TMZ. Since his kidney problems were life-threatening, the doctors are shocked by this dramatic improvement.

This news comes just a day after a source told Us Weekly that Odom was "walking with help now" and "getting better every day." Doctors have been working hard at trying to fix the damage that was done to his kidneys, and getting him to walk was no easy task.

"He is getting stronger every day," the source added. "And [he] has a great team of therapists and specialists working with him. He's 6-foot-11 and weighs a lot, so getting him to walk a little has been really hard."

"He is doing very well and continues to be a fighter," another source told People. "He hasn't given up once, and this will really help him in the future." Odom still has a long way to go, but his kidney improvement is a very good sign.