An Indianapolis woman's car blew up on Sunday morning for the second time in three months from a suspicious bombing attack, police revealed. Elaine Haliburton said that the explosion was so loud she thought a neighbor's house was what exploded, according to WTHR.

But instead of her neighbor's house, she found her Jeep Grand Cheeroke destroyed on the front end – the windshield destroyed and a hole through its hood – as she went outside.

"When it exploded, it knocked pictures off the wall, it had all the neighbors awake, even to shake the house, it was just a huge explosion. Just kaboom," she said, according to the Indy Star.

A bomb was planted on the car's windshield. An Indianapolis police report reveals that the explosion will cost her $10,000. Haliburton had borrowed the car from a woman at her church because her previous car exploded in her driveway and was completely destroyed on September 12 in a what police are saying was obviously a related attack.

Haliburton suspects that the two explosions are linked to one another and are connected to former tenants that occupied the house back in March, the New York Daily News reported.

"I think they want me out. I think they want to get whatever they left in here," she said. She hopes they will be able to move out of the house the soonest possible.