Although the Xbox One is still fresh off the store shelves for many of its fans and players, the folks at Microsoft working on the console's team are saying that they aren't even close to done with the development of the console.

Drawing on comparisons to the Xbox 360 when it first came out back in 2006, Xbox Live director of programming Larry "Major Nelson" Hryb discussed ways that Microsoft is listening to feedback and its plans to improve its newly released console.

"If you look back at the Xbox 360's launch, what it was in 2006 when it launched is completely different from what it is now," Hryb said in an interview with "We didn't even have things like the party system or the ability to support external storage when we launched the Xbox 360. So we are absolutely committed to adding new features to the Xbox One over the course of its life span."

Hryb said that the team working on the Xbox One "are gamers themselves," and said they want the system to be something that all gamers can enjoy.

"We're going to continue to refine the system and make it what the Xbox fans are expecting and what they want," he said. "We're listening to the feedback every single day. I've already seen some changes in the operating system internally with what we're building."

The improvements to the console are just part of the battle. Hryb said that "refining" the Kinect is a priority moving forward. Having put a lot of its eggs into the Kinect basket, Microsoft and Xbox have made integration of the motion sensor technology a major part of its next-generation experience. So much so that the company was even willing to charge an extra $100 over its competitor, the PlayStation 4.

Tell us what you think. Are you the recent proud owner of an Xbox One? Comment and share some improvements you'd like to see made on the console with us below.