President Biden Delivers His First State Of The Union Address To Joint Session Of Congress Jim Lo Scalzo-Pool/Getty Images

During his State of the Union Address, Joe Biden and his speech did not go smoothly, instead, he had noticeable errors that did not escape everyone watching.

Niles Gardiner, the former advisor to Margaret Thatcher, called it a disaster that happened again in public. A Twitter user observed him as confused and had to be assisted by Vice-president Kamala Harris at one point.

Biden Gibberish in State of the Union Address

The captured footage of President Biden's address was mocked on social media by users who caught his error very distinctly, reported the Express UK.

According to those who've watched him, he is known for making errors and lapsing into barely understandable gibberish.

The 46th president tried to sound commanding in a rallying speech falling flat. Talking about the Ukrainian fighting the Russians, he erroneously said that Vladimir Putin would not conquer the hearts and souls of Iranians.

Now the Iranians were friends, not the Ukrainians, which he meant to say. It was not missed and got criticized for it, noted Ajansev.

Posting on social media, Gardiner said if it were Donald Trump, the biased US liberal media would have a field day.mBut it's Biden, so he gets a free pass from them.

This is seen as a double standard for conservatives, especially for Democrats who can get away with it. Donald Trump Jr. took the time to take a jab at the president and say that's close enough.

Kamala Harris Prompts Biden on Gaffe

Confusing Iranian for 'Ukrainian' gaffe made Biden a humorous subject on social media for his performance in the State of the Union Address.

The handlers of Biden know that gaffes are his staple whenever he makes a public speech, and they are sweating bullets if something goes wrong.

Audiences listening to him would be so attentive to catch the moment a mistake comes along, and a mistake would be publicized again.

As the media says, one explanation is that Biden had stuttered throughout, no relation to his mental faculty. These mistakes are allegedly a speech impediment and not attributable to a gaffe.

Mistakes made while in a public appearance led to many asking if the president could be trusted to do his job. There is doubt his critics think the 79-year-old might be over the hill.

ABC News and the Washington Post surveyed before he did his public speech. Many who answered the poll think the 46th president is not equipped mentally, and it compromises the White House.

Thomas Massie, the Kentucky Republican representative, posted on Twitter to poke at the Democrat with a post mentioning all the mistakes made since occupying the Oval Office.

He wrote, does anyone understand what the president said? What did he say? He added freedun loving Americans.

Another post from the GOP member got creative by altering what #SOTU meant; it is Slur, not a state of the union. A tweet remarked that Biden was assisted by Vice-President Kamala Harris, who was behind him. She said Ukrainian after saying Iranian and was not looking comfortable.

Gardiner and other experts think the gaffe-prone president will not get support with constant errors; adversaries don't worry about him.

Joe Biden, in his State of the Union Address, getting marred by mistake again is not a surprise to many. But the Democrats still clap despite the errors while adversaries know what they are dealing with.