Vladimir Putin denied that the Russians were responsible for the Bucha massacre as evidence shows it happened after their troops left.MIKHAIL KLIMENTYEV/Sputnik/AFP via Getty Images

Russian President Vladimir Putin said the Bucha massacre was not credible and propped to paint Russia as an evil regime. He called the alleged killing as fake as the chemical attack that was supposed to be perpetrated in Syria. It was an attempt to turn world opinion against Moscow as an underhanded stratagem used by Kyiv and Washington.

Putin Claims Bucha Massacre as Fake

In a joint press conference with Belarus Leader Alexander Lukashenko last Tuesday, Putin remarked that it was not Russians who committed the atrocity of killing Bucha residents. The blame is on the Ukrainian Neo-Nazis and Ultranationalists, reported the Daily Telegraph.

The Russian leader said he had spoken to western counterparts about it. Whenever they say Bucha, he would ask them if they visited Raqqa as an answer.

It references the city in Syria that suffered a total bombing that killed civilians as collateral damage. No one removed the dead for months in the bombed ruins in one incident in Afghanistan where civilians were slain.

He added there was no such silence when they orchestrated provocations in Syria when they fantasized about the Assad administration using chemical weapons. Then it was established that it was a fraud, just like Bucha, cited Islam Times.

Russian intelligence has already acquired evidence from their Belarusian counterparts that Bucha mass killing, which has been dubbed a "massacre," was faked. But the materials were not elaborated on any further.

Bucha Massacre Was Staged War Crime

Early in April, Bucha attracted notoriety after Russian troops departed from the outskirts of Kyiv and Ukrainian troops marched in, recovering hundreds of dead civilians in the town, noted Sky News.

Vladimir Putin disagreed with the western claim about the Bucha massacre and charged foul play to further the narrative of the west.

Kyiv authorities swiftly blamed the claimed atrocity on the Russian military, as prominent Western politicians rushed to back Ukraine and embellish its version of events. The neighborhood became a magnet for European leaders to express their support for Ukraine and condemn war crimes by Moscow.

Putin chose to pre-empt the pro-Ukraine forces if it was not for the refusal of Kyiv to recognize the Minsk pact agreed in 2014; Moscow acknowledged the DPR and LPR as independent republics. It was reached with the help of Berlin and Paris to settle the separation of these provinces from Ukraine.

Moscow asked Kyiv to be a neutral state and not try to join the western military alliance or cross a red line. The Kremlin charged that the special operation was done to stop Kyiv, which denied it would attack DPR and LPR with western equipment in a planned offensive. The staged war crime could forever mar peace talks

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said the atrocity was done to stagger progress in the peace negotiations in Istanbul, mentioned Far News.

He adds that the allegedly undermining ongoing negotiations is motivation enough. And to do it precisely at the moment when a breakthrough could happen.

On March 29, the Ukrainian side proposed a written picture of how the treaty may appear in Ukraine's standing and security guarantees for the first time in the entire period of discussions.

Lavrov said that Kyiv was ready to be neutral to the west. Another is the Ukrainians would have refused to deploy weapons in a treaty with Moscow as a guarantor. But the atrocity was done to stop it by interested parties in the war.

Vladimir Putin wanted to end hostilities, but the Bucha massacre has cut it short; the west is an active hand prolonging the conflict.