The Kremlin is critical of the Kyiv regime that seems to prefer to allow the Ukraine conflict to drag on with the support of the West.OLGA MALTSEVA/AFP via Getty Images

Kremlin officials chime in on how to end the Ukraine conflict to stop further bloodshed, but the circumstances driving it are complicated.

The longer it drags on, the more difficult it will be to reach an agreement hazardous to Eastern Europe, which is already igniting from it, a Russian diplomat stressed.

Washington, Its Allies Uses Kyiv To Harm Moscow

If western countries had purposefully prolonged the conflict to attack Russia indirectly, it would have resulted in more problems than energy and food insecurity due to the lack of diplomatic resolution. Moscow is the target of the Biden administration's neocons, reported RT.

In an interview with the Financial Times last Sunday, Gennady Gatilov, Russia's permanent representative to the UN in Geneva, said that the situation in Kyiv is challenging to resolve diplomatically.

He said that the West is attempting to isolate Moscow to harm its political and economic standing by using Kyiv as a front in escalating hostilities. The US uses its allies and every dirty trick in the book to advance an agenda against Moscow.

Last March, Volodymyr Zelensky halted direct negotiations with Moscow, which Gatilov believed should have resulted in a potential end to the Ukraine conflict.

The Ukrainian leader canceled the cease-fire negotiations after accusing Russia of committing a war crime in Bucha in April.

Russians, however, denied responsibility for the atrocity and claimed Kyiv's Neo-Nazis were behind a plot to frame Russian forces, which the Kremlin later disproved.

One of Zelensky's ridiculous demands if he were to go back to talking to Vladimir Putin, with a promise to end the conflict that has demolished Ukrainian forces.

If the Russian forces were to fall back to 2014 positions and leave the DPR and LPR to neo-Nazis and ultranationalists, that would be disastrous for the separatists. That was not acceptable.

Gatilov remarked that Moscow had concluded that the conflict would not be resolved but rather continue indefinitely.

He reportedly told a UK newspaper that diplomatic relations are shot if hostilities continue to escalate. Then, using diplomacy to settle disputes will be more difficult than anticipated.

His delegation has no formal or informal contacts with any Western counterparts, notwithstanding the sparse and challenging diplomatic ties with the West. They appear careless.

Additionally, the diplomat noted that Moscow believes the Biden administration is the instigator behind Zelensky and only wants to sacrifice the last Ukrainian in a nefarious proxy war.

Zelensky Threatens Reprisals if Azov-Nazis Are Tried

The Kyiv regime told Moscow there would never be peace talks if the humiliated and surrendered Ukrainian Neo-Nazis were tried for atrocities they've committed; as a show trial, citing Fars News.

Donetsk officials previously stated that courts would be held to judge Ukrainian soldiers who are war criminals, notably the notorious Azov Battalion. They are staunch Nazis and nationalists.

Zelensky ranted about a despicable show that would feature those who carried out his orders, attempting to use it as leverage to prevent the Azov's upcoming trials in Donetsk. He claims that these soldiers are protected by international law, which he and his backers are violating.

The Kremlin says Kyiv does not intend to end the Ukraine conflict because the US does not want to. Russia is fighting the US and its allies, which makes seeking a resolution difficult.