"Teen Mom" star Jenelle Evans is reportedly smoking weed while pregnant to help ease her morning sickness, a friend close to the reality star told Radar Online. In leaked text messages, which Radar says belong to Evans and another friend, the MTV star reportedly asks her pal if she wanted to meet up to smoke marijuana.

"We can smoke and chill on a huge f***king blunt lol," Evans supposedly told her friend in the message on Feb. 10.

The 22-year-old also texted that she wanted to smoke before she had to board her flight from Los Angeles to her home in South Carolina, Radar reports. The friend told the site that Evans has about five or six bongs at home and uses them to get high claiming they help with her pregnant symptoms.

"She told me that if she doesn't have weed she will throw up due to her pregnancy," the friend said. "So she always has a lot of weed on her at a time."

"When Jenelle runs out of weed she will drive from her house in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina to Brunswick County in North Carolina, which is a 2-hour round trip to buy $120 worth of weed," she source added.

Reportedly, Nathan Griffith, Evan's boyfriend and the father of her unborn baby is said to be a bad influence and encourages her to drink.

"I have been over at her house before when Nathan asked Jenelle to take fireball shots with her," the source said. "Jenelle smelled it and claimed she almost threw up because she is pregnant. Nathan told her a couple shots wouldn't affect the baby, but calm Jenelle's nerves."

The reality star responded to the allegations on Sulia writing: "Once again, I am extremely disappointed in someone who is supposed to be my best friend. Sometimes when people need quick cash though, they will stoop to any low to get the money. The events that are being reported didn't even include me, and I was in my room doing homework. Thankfully, my family, and true friends know the truth. I'd never do anything to put the health of my baby in danger, and Nathan wouldn't' either."