As Russian soldiers step up their attack in the north, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky warns in an evening speech that Russia is "planning something" in Ukraine's southern regions. Alexey Furman/Getty Images

Volodymyr Zelensky, the president of Ukraine, described the front-line situation as challenging, with fierce fighting taking place in the country's east, northeast, and south.

In the south of the nation, where combat has been fierce near Zaporizhzhia and its nuclear power plant, he claimed that Russian forces are "planning something," but he made no mention of what Ukraine fears could occur.

Russian Soldiers Continue Striking Civilian Targets

Tuesday saw the announcement by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken of a $53 million aid plan to help Ukraine restore its severely damaged electrical system. Transformers for distribution, circuit breakers, surge arresters, disconnectors, and vehicles will all be included in the package, as per CNBC.

Due to Russian bombardment, millions of Ukrainians still live without water and electricity. The nation's temperatures have dropped, making daily living for citizens even more difficult.

For months, there has been fierce combat in the Donbas, which encompasses portions of the Luhansk and Dontesk regions. Since Ukraine moved the battle lines farther east in September, fighting has been worse in the two areas.

Though local reports this week claim that shelling in the northern area has once again increased, Fox News was unable to independently confirm Zelensky's assertion that Russian soldiers are attempting to advance in Kharkiv.

Defense officials have regularly underlined Russia's failure to move its ground forces in Ukraine in light of Kyiv's recent military victories. Instead, as its resources start to run low, Russia has accelerated its bombing campaign across Ukraine and has looked to allies abroad like Iran for support.

On Saturday, the British defense ministry estimated that Russian soldiers were continuing to attack Ukrainian sites with unarmed cruise missiles. According to the ministry, open source footage demonstrated that Russian soldiers were continuing to strike civilian targets by relying on the devastation left behind by the explosion rather than the greater impact that a warhead would provide.

A senior defense official responded to a question about this assessment on Tuesday by saying, "It's certainly something that they're attempting to do to reduce the impacts of the air defense systems that the Ukrainians are utilizing."

NATO to Send More Military Aid to Ukraine

NATO partners also pledged to provide Ukraine with equipment to assist restore power supplies that had been cut off by Russian airstrikes, and president Volodymyr Zelensky said that his soldiers were fending off Russian advances in many different locations.

The right bank of the Dnipro River and Kherson city further south have been continuously blasted by Russian artillery, according to the General Staff of Ukraine, which stated on Wednesday that its forces had successfully withstood six Russian strikes in the past 24 hours in the eastern Donbas area.

On Tuesday, air-raid warning sirens caused Ukrainians to flee for bomb shelters, though the country subsequently received the all-clear. Per Reuters via MSN, Russian soldiers bombarded Ukrainian sites in the eastern part of the Donetsk area with artillery, mortar, and tank fire.

Zelensky claimed that attacks were also being made by the Russian military in the northeastern city of Kharkiv and the eastern city of Luhansk, which Ukraine reclaimed in September.

This month, Ukrainian soldiers took back control of Kherson in the south after Russian forces withdrew. NATO foreign ministers, including US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, met for two days in Bucharest on Tuesday to discuss how to keep Ukrainians safe and warm as well as how to support Kyiv's armed forces during an upcoming winter battle.
