Russian President Vladimir Putin has committed to supplying his soldiers with whatever they require to win the Ukraine conflict, and he has warned that a new hypersonic "Satan II" missile will soon be ready for deployment. SERGEI ILYIN/SPUTNIK/AFP via Getty Images

As the war in Ukraine continues, Russian President Vladimir Putin stated that the Kremlin is preparing the intercontinental ballistic Satan II missile, which he previously labeled as the world's "most destructive" warhead, for "combat duty."

This week, for the first time since the war began, the Kremlin commander recognized that his men in Ukraine have difficult times ahead, as the 10-month-long conflict shows no signs of ending.

Vladimir Putin's Chilling Threat of Satan II Nuclear Missile Attack

Putin stated that military experts are now assessing how to develop their "special military operation" based on the current condition of the fight - in which Russia has lost territory in recent months - as well as their prior experience in international conflicts such as the Syrian civil war.

According to Fox News, Putin outlined a set of proposals he intends to pursue to revamp his military strategy, including enhancing "the battle readiness of [Russia's] nuclear triad."

The Russian president defended Moscow's stocks of Avangard hypersonic weapons and stated that Russia will continue to develop hypersonic missiles with "unique, unparalleled qualities." Putin said that Russia's RS-28 Sarmat, nicknamed Satan II by Western officials, will soon be ready for "combat duty for the first time," but he did not say when.

Putin stated that reports of communication difficulties among the ranks would also be addressed, and he urged engineers and weapons designers to periodically visit the front lines to meet military needs.

As Putin seeks to safeguard the territories he claimed to have seized earlier this year, senior Ministry of Defense officials will be required to communicate with regional leaders in Ukraine.

Reports have long stated that Russia has suffered huge battlefield casualties. Ukraine stated on Thursday that Russia had lost over 100,000 troops in the conflict. Putin attempted to reduce his losses by enlisting 300,000 men in September. However, inadequate training and unsuitable weapons have purportedly resulted in high fatality rates among conscripted.

Per NY Post, the Kremlin asserts that Satan II's design, which features a shorter "boost phase" and allegedly unique trajectories, will make it more difficult for US missile defenses to intercept the Sarmat in the case of a thermonuclear war.

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According to Russian sources, the missile's warhead is also designed to deliver hypersonic bombs, thereby transforming the ICBM into a cruise-missile launch platform.

Putin stated in April that the Sarmat "is capable of defeating all contemporary anti-missile defense systems" and that Russia's adversaries should "reconsider" their threats. Putin boasts that the Sarmat is imminent, yet it is already years behind schedule.

The missile was initially announced in 2014, with deployment scheduled for 2020. However, issues with the missile's engines prevented comprehensive testing, as reported by the Russian news source Interfax. Putin criticized NATO and said that western leaders were extending the crisis by supplying Ukraine with military help.

According to The Independent, the president stated that the battle preparedness of the nation's nuclear forces must be ensured, while the defense minister, Sergei Shoigu, stated that the rate at which new weapons reach soldiers has increased.

Putin also vowed that the Russian military will undergo adjustments "calmly" and "without haste." His remarks came as Ukraine's president, Volodymyr Zelensky, made his first visit abroad since the beginning of the Russian invasion to meet with President Joe Biden at the White House.
