Second US Tourist Killed by Elephant in Africa

The elephant pulled the 64-year-old New Mexico woman from a vehicle and trampled her to death.

Deadly safari
An elephant pulled American tourist Juliana Gle Tourneau, 64, of New Mexico from a touring vehicle in Zambia and fatally stomped her. Photo by Fredrik Lerneryd / AFP bia Getty Images

An American tourist was killed in Zambia this week when an elephant pulled her from a vehicle and trampled her to death. It was the second fatal elephant attack on a US. tourist this year in the African country.

Juliana Gle Tourneau, 64, of New Mexico, was riding with a group of tourists when their vehicle was stopped Wednesday by a herd of elephants near the Maramba Cultural Bridge near Livingtsone, the Associated Press reported.

As Tourneau and the others watched the elephants, one pulled her out of the vehicle and stomped her, the wire service reported, citing Southern Province Police Commissioner Auxensio Daka.

In March, 80-year-old Gail Mattson of Arizona was killed when an "aggressive" bull elephant charged the truck she was riding in with six others during a tour of Kafue National Park in Zambia.

The elephant flipped the truck over, killing her.

Africa, Zambia, Elephants, New Mexico, Arizona
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