Six people were charged in a sex trafficking conspiracy that involved three victims, including two minors, according to federal prosecutors. David McNew/Getty Images

Six people were charged in a sex trafficking conspiracy that involved three victims, including two minors, across several states, according to federal prosecutors.

Christy Parker, 26; Alexander Smalls, 25; Cory Primo, 42; Avvani Jeffers, 22; Tre'sean Reid, 21; and Tyreik Reid, 20, have been accused of conspiracy to commit sex trafficking and other sex trafficking charges against victims in Massachusetts, Rhode Island and South Carolina in 2023.

Citing the federal indictment, prosecutors allege Parker, Smalls, and Tre'sean and Tyreik Reid, used force, threats of force, fraud and coercion to "compel an adult woman to engage in commercial sex." Separately, Parker, Smalls, Primo and Jeffers allegedly used the same methods to force a 16-year-old girl to also perform sex with clients for money. Similarly, Parker, Primo and Jeffers allegedly "knowingly recruited, enticed, harbored, transported, provided, obtained and maintained" a 17-year-old runaway for sex work, said prosecutors.

Acting U.S. Attorney Joshua S. Levy alleged the adult victim moved in with Parker and Smalls in January 2023 and they forced her to sign a "profit-sharing contract" for sex work, according to The pair of suspects allegedly coordinated the sex meetups with clients and kept all the money.

When Parker met the 16-year-old victim in July 2023, she allegedly employed threats of violence, alcohol, marijuana, starvation, and sleep deprivation to exert control over her, the outlet reported.

"Parker would allegedly beat the minor victim if she fell asleep because a customer could request her at any time," explained Levy, according to the outlet. "On one occasion, Parker allegedly withheld food from the minor victim for four to five days after failing to collect the entire fee from a buyer."

Then again in August 2023, Parker allegedly trafficked a 17-year-old victim, allegedly employing the same schemes she did with the previous victims.

"The allegations in this case are truly chilling. One minor victim in this case was forced to engage in sex for money with many men," Levy said, according to the outlet. "That young girl is someone's daughter, she is someone's granddaughter. It is hard to conceive of more vile conduct than what is set forth in these charges. Sex trafficking is not a distant problem – it is happening right here, in our neighborhoods, and often goes unnoticed or unreported."

The defendants face up to life in prison if convicted.