NBA 2K14 Features: Crew Mode is Back; Won't Be Available for Xbox One or PlayStation 4

It has been confirmed that Crew Mode is back in “NBA 2K14,” according to

Crew mode took a two-year hiatus after “NBA 2K11,” since the “NBA 2K” team decided to nix it before 2K12 hit stores. The team said the there were too much issue with online performance and until those issues were resolved, the mode would not return to “NBA 2K” games.

Hopefully now that its back, those issues are no longer present.

You’d think that the arrival of the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 could only enhance “NBA 2K14” features such as Crew Mode. However, 2K has announced that the mode will not be available for the next generation consoles. If 2K Sports is making a mode exclusively of the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, then they might be developing one specifically for the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 and well.

Based upon the video below Crew Mode will be five-one-five matchups or three-one-three matchups. The games can be played either in the arenas or outside on the blacktops.

As Pasta Padre points out, since Crew uses customary players and won’t be available on any of the next-gen consoles, Crew mode won’t help “NBA 2K” in its battle against “NBA Live”—especially if EA Sports releases Basketball Association mode.

EA Sports is looking for a fresh start with NBA Live being exclusively on the next-gen consoles. Therefore if 2K Sports is taking features away from the next gen consoles, they may at a disadvantage against a franchise that is putting everything it has into the Xbox One and PlayStation 4.

Nevertheless diving back into Crew mode should be fun for gamers. There’s nothing better than when a video game takes a great feature and improves it.

“NBA Live 2K14” will debut Oct. 2 for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. It will hit stores for the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 later this year.