Puppy Trapped In Pipe For Hours Rescued By Firefighters, City Workers (VIDEO)

Nothing could be more terrifying for a tiny teacup terrier than being trapped in a small vent pipe.

Bailey, a 3-month-old puppy, was trapped in an exposed vent pipe for more than two hours and was rescued by Buffalo, N.Y. firefighters and city workers.

A concerned citizen called 911 reporting the incident, saying that there was a trapped puppy from the drain when they heard whimpering sounds coming from it. The caller said they couldn't see the puppy but were certain it was in the pipe.

A huge hole big enough for someone to jump in was excavated for two hours using a large equipment. After hours of hard work, a rescue worker finally pulled out the puppy, which was already very dirty and wet. The crew workers instantaneously administered oxygen to save Bailey.

"I love Buffalo firefighters, I love Buffalo police, I love all of y'all," Bailey's owner said, holding back tears, People Pets reported.

When the crowd of workers, firefighters and family saw the teacup terrier unharmed as it emerged from the pipe, everyone cheered and applauded expressing their joy.

"Some people might think we went over and above, but that's what our guys do every day. We're very grateful there was a happy ending. We're very satisfied," Buffalo Fire Commissioner Garnell Whitfield said, WIVB reported.

Terrier, Dog, Puppy