Silento 'Watch Me:' Father And Daughter 'Whip And Nae Nae' (VIDEO)

Silento's "Watch Me (Whip/Nae Nae)" song and music video has made its way to the west coast in the form of California father Austynn Samarco and his daughter.

The father and daughter are the latest duo recently made a video based off of the Atlanta natives's current Internet hit that was made possible by DanceOn CEO Amanda Taylor, according to

The video came three weeks before the Fourth of July holiday weekend, which is very fitting since an American flag is shown in the backdrop of the video. Samarco even jumps into to join his offspring while rocking a cowboy hat and cowboy boots.

"New video my daughter and I posted with the American flag waving in the background supporting our troops in our country," Austynn wrote in the video's description on YouTube.

Click here for more of HNGN's coverage on Silento's "Watch Me (Whip/Nae Nae)" song.

Father, Dance, Trends, Atlanta, Daughter