Squirrel Mug Shot Used By Police to Find Nut Thief

Following the mystery of the missing 28,000 pounds of packaged nuts, police in suburban Detroit posted a furry critter's mugshot in a fun way to ask help from the public in looking for the nut thief.

A truck and trailer packed with 18 pallets of walnuts and other snack nuts were taken the weekend of June 27, the Shelby Township Police Department says, AP reported. The truck and trailer were found July 1 in Detroit but the $128,000 worth of nuts was all gone.

The police department posted a mug shot of a squirrel on its Facebook Page that includes some details of the incident. But they clarified that they don't actually think that a squirrel was behind the case, urging the public not to call in sightings of the animal.

However, Internet bird personality, Bird Bird agreed that associating the squirrels with criminals is a good thing, the Huffington Post reported. Twitter handler @ProBirdRights said:"I say it about time police wise up to the squirrel menace. They are stealing our seeds. Hello it called a BIRD feeder not a SQUIRREL GUVERMENT HANDOUT STATION????"

As of now, there are no developments of the nut case yet.

Squirrel, Detroit