Amy Schumer Sent Dirty Text Message to Katie Couric's Husband (VIDEO)

Amy Schumer revealed how she sent a lewd sex text from Katie Couric's phone to husband John Molner during an interview with Jimmy Fallon on "The Tonight Show."

The "Trainwreck" star, 34, said that Couric left her cell phone on a dinner table at the Glamour Women Of The Year Awards, where she sat with Mindy Kaling, Stephen Colbert and Couric.

"She left her phone open to texts from [her husband John Molner]. I picked up her cell phone, just without even thinking, to text him, 'I wanna have anal tonight.' And I sent it,' the actress confessed.

Couric, who used to co-host "The Today Show" with Matt Lauer and is a seasoned news reporter, came back after about 90 seconds.

"And her and her husband are like, 'So...we're leaving.' Like, 'I don't know why he wants to leave,"' said the GQ cover girl.

The audience and Fallon roared with laughter as Schumer said, "I didn't even think about it. It happened so fast!"

"I show Mindy [Kaling] and I go 'Look what happened.' " She's like, 'What do you mean what happened? You did that! You just did that!'"

During the interview, Schumer also mentioned that Couric loves humor and that she was happy to sit with them at the dinner table.

Indeed, it's a good idea to password protect your cell phone - especially when Amy Schumer is around, People Magazine wrote.

Jimmy Fallon, The tonight show, Katie Couric, Amy Schumer, Mindy Kaling, Stephen Colbert