Thieves Steal ATM In Washington, Falls Out Of Getaway Van

Two thieves in Lynwood, Wash., tried to steal an automated teller machine (ATM), but were only able to take it through a parking lot before it fell out of the getaway van they were driving.

Authorities said that the suspects backed up a white van to a business in Snohomish County around 11 a.m., cut the ATM's cables and then placed the machine on the van, according to the Associated Press.

Deputies also revealed that the ATM fell out of the van because the thieves were driving too fast and hit a speed bump. As a result, they drove away without the machine, according to the Record Courier.

The stolen ATM was recovered by authorities Monday, said the sheriff's spokesperson Shari Ireton, as was the white van, which was reportedly stolen by the suspects in Kent. The van was impounded in order to look for possible evidence, according to MyFoxDC.

Washington, Attempted Robbery, Theft