'WWE 2K16' To Include 'Terminator' As A Pre-Order Bonus (VIDEO)

Publisher 2K Sport's upcoming professional wresting game "WWE 2K16" will allow fans to play as the "Terminator," but only if you pre-order from participating retailers.

Those who avail will have the 1984 "Terminator" model and the 1991 "Terminator 2" model available for playing - with the characters said to be in the likeness of Arnold Schwarzenegger, of course.

Screenshots have not been released, but a video ad recreating the bar scene from "Terminator 2" was released by 2K Sports as campaign for the pre-order, Game Spot Reports.

"I've achieved many things in my life, but I've always said success means staying hungry and pushing the limits. I was honored to join the WWE Hall of Fame earlier this year, and now I'll continue my WWE legacy with one of my biggest film roles immortalized in WWE 2K16. Match the Terminator against Stone Cold Steve Austin®, Seth Rollins® or Daniel Bryan®, and there's only one possible outcome: Hasta la vista, baby!," Schwarzenegger said, according to Video Gamer.

WWE 2K16 launches on October 27th in North America, with an international release on October 30th. The game is coming to Xbox 360, PS3, Xbox One, and PS4, Forbes reports.

Schwarzenegger was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame earlier this year.

Wwe, Terminator, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Games, Entertainment
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