Bobby Jindal Cuts Planned Parenthood's State Medicaid Funds in Louisiana

Planned Parenthood establishments in Louisiana may no longer receive state funding. On Monday, Governor and presidential hopeful Bobby Jindal announced that he had ended the state's contract with Medicaid that allows it to provide money to Planned Parenthood. The decision comes as a response to the recent undercover sting videos The Center For Medical Progress has released that allege Planned Parenthood may profit from tissue donations.

"It has been shocking to see reports of the alleged activities taking place at Planned Parenthood facilities across the country. Planned Parenthood does not represent the values of the people of Louisiana and shows a fundamental disrespect for human life. It has become clear that this is not an organization that is worthy of receiving public assistance from the state," Jindal said in a press release.

The defunding bill will go to a vote on Monday night and if passed will go into effect in 30 days. Jindal made the decision even though the two Planned Parenthoods in Louisana do not provide abortion services, according to Talking Points Memo. According to, the two Planned Parenthoods in the state provide family planning services, cervical exams and gynecology services in the large cities of Baton Rouge and New Orleans.

TPM did point out that a third Planned Parenthood is currently under construction in the state, but that it will not participate in tissue donations, which the whole profit controversy stems around.

After the first undercover sting video was released, Jindal immediately called for an investigation in his state.

"This same organization is seeking to open an abortion clinic in New Orleans. I have instructed Louisiana's Department of Health and Hospitals to conduct an immediate investigation into this alleged evil and illegal activity and to not issue any licenses until this investigation is complete. I am also asking the FBI to assist DHH in investigating this alleged criminal activity by this organization," Jindal said.

Another Republican presidential nominee, Gov. Rick Perry, has already defunded Planned Parenthood in Texas and is trying to do the same nationwide.

"We can no longer allow the atrocities committed by an organization that receives state and federal tax dollars, and that receives special tax treatment from the federal government. That is why today, I am calling for the revocation of the federal nonprofit charters of the Planned Parenthood Federation Of America and its political wing, Planned Parenthood Action," Perry said in a press release last week. "The Obama Administration targets groups with the word 'patriot' in their name but does nothing to an organization that cuts apart and sells the body parts of dead babies. This cannot stand. It is long past time for the mirage around Planned Parenthood's true activities to fade."

Planned Parenthood has 30 days to appeal Jindal's defunding decision.

Planned Parenthood, Abortion, Bobby Jindal, Rick Perry, Texas, Louisiana, News, Politics, U.S.