Lightning And Rainbow Captured At Same Time! (SEE IT)

An Arizona photographer was able to snap a picture of lightning hitting a rainbow in Arizona, according to The Weather Channel.

Greg McCown, a real estate agent with photography skills, photographed the difficult-to-capture aerial phenonmenon during the Southwestern United States' current monsoon season, according to Arizona Experience.

When asked what inspired the digital guru to locate the spectacle, the multi-talented individual told the weather resource that it was the forces of the atmosphere.

"Really, just nature. Rainbows and lightning are both beautiful and in very different ways," McCown said. "Several years ago, I saw a beautiful rainbow on the east side of Tucson as I was driving to work. Suddenly, lightning started striking right in the middle of this rainbow. I didn't have my camera and I was working at the time so I couldn't have stopped if I wanted to. But as soon as I saw that, I knew I had to shoot it someday."

McCown also has a phenomenal picture of a lightning bolt he captured July 4 (see opening shot above), according to a Twitter post.

Lightning, Rainbow, Photo, Image, Picture