Planned Parenthood Abortion : Baby's Heart 'Still Beating' After Abortion, Former Employee Says (VIDEO)

A whistleblower from a partner of Planned Parenthood in harvesting tissue seems to admit that at times, after abortions, the baby's "heart actually is still beating." An anti-abortion group released a video in which the former procurement technician relays a first-person narrative of witnessing a baby's heart beat before she dissected the baby's brain.

These accusations were released by the anti-abortion organization, Center for Medical Progress, who was also responsible for previously releasing undercover videos involving Planned Parenthood employees and its partners, Fox News reported.

Holly O'Donnell, the woman in the seventh video released by the group, helped Planned Parenthood collect fetal tissue in its clinics. The former technician for Stem Express, a biomedical company based in California, appeared in the video where she says that a colleague named "Jessica" asked her to hold a fetus with a beating heart, according to the Washington Examiner.

"[Jessica] taps the heart and it starts beating," O'Donnell says in the video. "I'm sitting here and looking at this fetus and its heart is beating."

The video also has interviews with Planned Parenthood officials and other human tissue companies, Advanced Bioscience Resources and Novogenix Laboratories where representatives talk about the process of injecting the drug digoxin into fetuses. The drug causes the death of the fetus before the abortion, so doctors will not be accused of violating the federal ban of partial birth abortion.

Dr. Ben Van Handel, executive director of Novogenix Laboratories, admitted, "There are times when after the procedure is done that the heart actually is still beating."

Procurement Manager of Advanced Biosciences Resources, Inc., Perrin Larton describes an abortion she witnessed where "the fetus was already in the vaginal canal whenever we put her in the stirrups, it just fell out," according to

The federal law, which prohibits selling of aborted babies and their parts, was written by a pro-abortion congressman years ago. What is not written is the process by which transactions of these baby body parts can meet a certain standard for the sale to be legal.

Colorado Rep. Doug Lamborn has recently introduced the legislation to completely ban the sale of baby body parts, LifeNews reported.

Abortion, Abortions, Abortion Clinic, Pro life, Pro choice, Planned Parenthood, Whistleblower, Whistleblowers