Jared Fogle Paid Minors For Sex During New York Trips, Prosecutors Say

Indiana man and ex-Subway commercial sensation Jared Fogle took advantage of his New York business trips by scheduling sexual meet-ups with minors in high-end hotels, according to federal prosecutors. Federal prosecutors have arrested Fogle for allegedly acquiring child pornography from a close friend, Fox News reported.

Fogle admittedly knew that the child pornography he received had been privately made by Jared Foundation's former director, prosecutors say. The charitable foundation under the accused's name seeks to raise awareness regarding obesity in children. One of its activities is outreach. Fogle would visit different schools and try to encourage children to live healthy lifestyles and start regular exercise routines, according to ABC News.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Steven DeBrota said that "at no event was he using the foundation to get at the child prostitutes."

This case has ended his working relationship with the fast food restaurant franchise, Subway, according to a previous report by HNGN. On Wednesday, Fogle agreed to plead guilty regarding the accusations that he spent money in exchange of sex with minor girls and that he obtained child pornography. He could be sent in prison for more than a decade.

Indiana Police Chief, Rick Hite, said that, "We're dealing with a celebrity who had the access, power and resources to do anything he wanted to do in the world but he chose to utilize that to cajole, convince and even take advantage of children."

Court documents and the plea agreement show discrepancy in the charges against the 37-year-old man. The documents detailed that he paid for sex with two girls under 18 - one of which was 17 - in New York City hotels. In the plea agreement, the two girls were said to be 16-years-old at the time. One of the girls allegedly had sex with Fogle again after she had turned 17. The federal prosecutors cannot explain this discrepancy.

According to authorities, Fogle also offered a finder's fee if other adult prostitutes connected him with younger girls - as young as 14-years-old - for sex, US News reported.

Prosecutors released an agreement indicating the Fogle will pay $1.4 million for damage compensation to the 14 minor girls, each receiving $100,000. He must also receive treatment for his sexual disorders and register as a sex offender.

Court documents say the government agrees to sentence him with no more than 12 ½ years in prison, but Fogle agreed not to ask for less than five years.

Child pornography, Subway, New York City, Prosecutors, Child porn, Sexual abuse