George Zimmerman Goes On Bizarre Twitter Rant, Calls President Obama ‘Ignorant Baboon’

George Zimmerman, best known as the man who shot and killed unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin back in 2012, an event that resulted in numerous protests nationwide, went on a bizarre Twitter rant on Thursday.

Zimmerman used several homophobic and racial slurs during his tirade, going as far as labeling U.S. President Barack Obama as an "ignorant baboon" for not condemning the killings of a Virginia television reporter and her cameraman.

"Pansy Fester (sic) lee Flanagan, too much of a daisy to deal w/ racism. Murders 2 whites. Hate crime, 100%. Racist Obama says nothing condeming (sic)," Zimmerman tweeted to his 9,468 followers.

Zimmerman then followed it up with a photo of the slain reporter and cameraman with the caption: "White woman & man get murdered by a Black P.O.S. 8 hours later B. Hussein Obama the divider still says NOTHING."

Zimmerman even alluded to Martin in a tweet he sent to one user who had had enough of his shenanigans. "We all know how it ended for the last moron that hit me. Give it a whirl cupcake," was what he wrote in response to a user who tweeted about "Slap-an-idiot Wednesday."

Zimmerman hit the headlines for all the wrong reasons when he shot and killed Martin, who was 17 at the time, in Sanford, Fla. on Feb. 26, 2012.

However, he was cleared of charges for manslaughter and second-degree murder on July 13, 2013, a controversial decision that sparked national outrage, according to the Daily Mail.

George Zimmerman, Trayvon Martin, Barack obama, Manslaughter, Murder