K-Pop Singer Falls on Stage Multiple Times During Performance (VIDEO)

K-Pop group GFriend is receiving a lot of sympathy from fans as one of its members took multiple falls on stage during a performance in South Korea this past weekend.

On Saturday, a fan recorded a video of the group performing as one of the members, Yuju, fell about eight different times, according to Mashable. Another member, SinB, also fell once right in the middle of the stage. The girls managed to pick themselves up and recovered each time, smiling as they continued on with their singing and dancing, but it's still crazy how one could fall this many times during a four-minute song.

The group was performing its single "Me Gustas Tu" during a concert hosted by SBS, which is a major Korean television network, when the accidents took place, according to Billboard. It had rained during the show, so the stage was apparently very slippery. The video has gone viral on YouTube, earning almost 3 million views.

South Korea, Korea