'Dear Fat People' Video: Nicole Arbour Responds To Backlash Over Viral Fat-Shaming Rant (VIDEO, NSFW)

Canadian YouTube comedian Nicole Arbour responded to the backlash of her viral rant "Dear Fat People," Entertainment Tonight reported. Arbour called out the critics of her controversial fat-shaming video with another rant titled "Most Offensive Video."

"We're all trying to be politically correct so that we don't offend anyone," Arbour said in her video. "I don't care if you're offended. If you don't have a sense of humor and you don't understand jokes, I don't give a f--k."

The potty-mouthed blonde went on to defend her previous video where she mocked obese people and said that "fat-shaming" doesn't exist.

"'Yeah but, I couldn't fit in a store. That's discrimination,'" Arbour joked in her "Dear Fat People" video. "Uh, nope! That means you're too fat and you should stop eating."

The video sparked outraged and soon response videos started surfacing, most notably from Whitney Thore, as previously reported by HNGN. The star of TLC's "My Big Fat Fabulous Life" offered words of comfort and encouragement to overweight and obese people and she countered some of the points and assumptions Arbour made about fat people.

Arbour's video was so controversial that YouTube suspended her account temporarily, according to CNN. Once the suspension was lifted, Arbour used her preferred medium to respond to critics and explained that her video was meant to be taken as a joke.

"Keyboard warriors are trying to murder comedy," Arbour explained. "You need to learn that we all don't need f--king care about your feelings. You have to be really f--king slow to be offended by satire."

Watch her NSFW response below.

Fat Shaming, Weight, Obesity