NBA 2K14 Player Ratings: Dwyane Wade and Brandon Released; Is the Miami Heat Guard Rated Too High

Ronnie Singh, digital marketing director of 2K Sports, released three more ratings today for "NBA 2K14" on his twitter account @Ronnie2K.

Here they are:

Iman Shumpert—82

Brandon Jennings—83

Dwayne Wade—92

The least controversial rating here falls to Brandon Jennings. He has always been a player with immense potential and rediculous scoring ability. However, he hasn’t reached the super star level just yet. An 83 seems right.

The rating of Iman Shumpert at 82 was a topic of discussion in “NBA 2K13” when his rating hit plus-80. Shumpert possesses a good amount of potential and athleticism. There are many Knicks fans who wonder why he doesn’t go to the basket more and why he’s not more of scoring threat. NBA fans know of his outstanding defense. However, he hasn’t shown much in the way of offense which raises few eyebrows at his fairly high rating.

Finally, comes the 92 rating of Dwyane Wade. Cases can be made on both sides for why Wade’s rating should be lower and why it should be brought down a few points. When healthy, Wade is one of the most dominant players in the game. Besides shooting the three he can do literally everything on offense and is one of the best two-guard defenders in the game. On the other hand, Wade’s injuries and age proved to hamper him in last year’s postseason—even to the point where people were saying it was as if LeBron was back in Cleveland with no help. 2013 will have Wade a year older and more susceptible to injury. It seems 2K is treating Wade as they are treating D-Rose as they are both rated as they would be if they were healthy and at their best.

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