A little girl in Texas got trapped inside an arcade game because of a "double dog dare" to retrieve a ball from inside the machine.
Six-year-old Juliette Grimes was at a Frisco Ci Ci's pizza parlour with her mother, Cecilia Green, and older sister, 8-year-old Katy Grimes, when Katy issued an irresistible dare to her younger sister to climb inside the arcade game and get her a bouncy ball, according to Sport Act.
"I haven't told my mom this yet," Katy said. "But, maybe, it was a double dog dare."
When asked why she climbed in, Juliette said that she just wanted to get the ball for her sister.
Frisco 6-Year-Old Gets Stuck in Arcade Game https://t.co/rHFnIZztFO #DFW
— Dallas Tweets! (@tweetdal) September 8, 2015
She then explained how she got inside the machine and eventually realized that she couldn't get out.
"I opened the door, and I had my legs out, so I opened the door, then put my whole body in there... and I got balls, but I couldn't get out," she explained, according to CBS' Tampa Bay affiliate 10 News.
Green and a few other adults had been keeping an eye on the children as they played inside the arcade room, but all of them missed the critical moment when Juliette managed to trap herself inside the machine.
Upon realizing that a child was stuck inside the machine, the fire department was called to the scene and they managed to free Juliette, who, despite being trapped, sustained no injuries.
When asked why her child would do something like this, Green responded: "In her world, there are no challenges. If there's a boundary, they're meant for other kids. Not for her. Anything and everything is a challenge," the Daily Mail reported.
After the ordeal, and learning of Katy's involvement in the incident, both girls were grounded with no television or sweets.
"I don't think she's going to do it again," Green said. "Hopefully. At least, another few years, at least."