Lindsay Lohan Writes Most Bizarre Instagram Caption Ever (PHOTOS)

Could Lindsay Lohan be headed for disaster once again? Judging by her Instagram, there's a very good chance.

The 29-year-old troubled star posted a very normal, sexy photo to Instagram on Saturday but what shocked people the most is what she wrote underneath. In the lengthy caption, Lohan rambles about many things, and absolutely none of it makes sense. From Michael Jackson, to 9/11, to PETA, to Oprah, the whole thing is a giant mess.

Based on her past, the caption has people concerned for her well-being. The comment section is filled with tons of people questioning the meaning behind this bizarre caption and whether or not she's on drugs again.

"So I think it's safe to say Lindsay Lohan is on drugs," one user wrote.

While another fan decided to decipher it for themselves. "Basically Lindsay is telling everybody that Hollywood is fake," the user wrote. "And they use high powered stars to distract everybody from the f-ked up world we live in." While this could be what Lohan was trying to say, it's hard to read between the lines and know for sure.

As if the caption wasn't enough to spark some outrage on her page, just a few days after, Lohan posted another questionable photo with an equally confusing caption.

"I love my waist just the way it is," she captioned a photo of herself standing in front of a window with a waist trainer on. "Love yourself and be kind and you shall succeed no matter what. Be strong inside (in everyday/man or woman lol)"

The message itself is inspiring, but it's confusing as to why she's wearing a waist trainer if she loves her waist "just the way it is." Many people also pointed out in the comment section how obviously photoshopped the photo is as you can see the jagged and curved edges from where she apparently made her waist appear even thinner.

In the midst of all this strange social media activity, Lohan skipped out on her appearance at the Toronto Film Festival, according to The Hollywood Reporter. She was supposed to attend a party on Sunday to promote her upcoming film "Inconceivable," but cancelled last minute. Apparently, she "couldn't make it" due to scheduling conflicts, but it's unclear what else she has going on, besides posting interesting shots to Instagram.

Lindsay lohan, Instagram