U.S. Gun Maker Releases 'Christian Rifle' That 'No Muslim Terrorist Can Use'

Spike Tactical, a Florida gunmaker, has released a brand new assault rifle that the company claims is terrorist-proof. According to a company spokesperson, the AR-15 Crusader is a rifle that "no Muslim terrorist can use to murder innocent people," reports Business Insider. The secret behind the rifle? A number of Christian symbols and a Bible verse inscribed on the rifle's body.

"We wanted to make sure we built a weapon that would never be able to be used by Muslim terrorists to kill innocent people or advance their radical agenda," said Ben Thomas, the company's spokesman.

The rifle is inscribed with a verse from Psalms 144:1 just above the magazine slot, which reads "Blessed be the Lord my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle." The insignia of the Knights Templar's Long Cross also adorns the rifle.

Apart from these, the rifle also has three modes: Peace, War and God Wills It.

The $1,400 rifle has been a hit with the gunmaker's patrons, according to Thomas. Though he did not state the exact figures, he said that the company "sold out of rifles in the first 72 hours and there's a backlog of several weeks," reports The Middle East Eye.

Though the rifles have sold well, its design and rationale have not been received well by the Muslim community. The Florida branch of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, for one, has stated that the gun is "just another shameful marketing ploy intended to profit from the promotion of hatred, division, and violence."

Nevertheless, the Crusader seems to be a hit with consumers.

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Florida, Terrorist, Spokesman