Christmas Creep: Early Holiday Shopping Supported By Customers, Study Reveals

Though there are numerous people who are complaining of Christmas creep, it seems like a significant number of consumers actually do not mind it at all.

On Tuesday, two surveys, one from and the other from Rubicon Project, have stated that a slew of consumers actually embrace the tendency of retailers to start their holiday push early, according to CNBC News.

Both surveys have found that there are already Americans who have begun shopping for the holidays as early as this month. In fact, there are even those who have already finished purchasing their holiday shopping by September.

The survey conducted by has found that roughly one in seven Americans, which translates to about 32 million people, have already started shopping for the winter holidays as of this month. Meanwhile, about 2 percent of all consumers, about 4.6 million people, have already finished with their shopping, reported Market Watch.

The other survey, conducted by a Rubicon Project, a digital advertising technology firm, has found that across the U.S., the U.K., and Canada, about one third of shoppers have already begun their holiday spending.

Much of the early shopping may be due to the fact that retailers are offering holiday deals and promotions early this year, with some retailers like Wal-Mart launching their holiday layaway program on August 28.

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Christmas, Consumers, Retailers, Americans, Holiday, Holidays, Holiday shopping, Shopping, Advertising, Technology, U.S., U.K., Canada, Wal-Mart