Cara Delevingne Calls 'Game of Thrones' Star Richard Madden's Insults 'Desperate'

Supermodel Cara Delevingne and Richard Madden, who plays Robb Stark on "Game of Thrones," are involved in what may be the most random celebrity feud of all time.

Remember when Delevingne gave that super awkward and sarcastic interview on "Good Day Sacramento" that went completely viral back in July for her role in "Paper Towns"? Well, for some reason, when Style magazine recently interviewed Madden, they asked him what he thought of the way she acted during the interview, according to Us Weekly. "It was unprofessional," the 29-year-old actor said. "It made her seem ungrateful. She showed her age. For 'Cinderella,' I did six weeks of those interviews where you get asked the same eight questions. If you're not capable of doing that gracefully, then don't do it."

The 23-year-old model/actress got word of what Madden had to say about her and immediately took to Twitter to call him out.

"I have no idea who you are but I think it's a little desperate for a grown man to be bad mouthing someone they don't know," she tweeted directly at him, adding, "If you really want attention that badly, try focusing on your own work and not other people's."

She then retweeted a meme created by one of her fan accounts that shows a photo of her throwing some major side eye with the words "Richard, what's good" written across it, referring to the now famous VMA moment between Nicki Minaj and Miley Cyrus.

Madden wasn't going to let this slide, either, and made sure to respond in a more sincere way. "Hi @Caradelevigne, nothing but respect for you," he tweeted. "Misquoted and blown out of proportion. #SlowNewsWeek."

Cara Delevingne, Game of Thrones, Paper Towns