Steve Rannazzisi 9/11: 'SNL' Comedian Pete Davidson Fires Back, 'The League' Star Privately Apologizes

Earlier today, comedian and star of "The League" Steve Rannazzisi admitted that he had lied about being in the World Trade Center on 9/11, and "Saturday Night Live" comedian Pete Davidson, who lost his father on that tragic day, wasn't happy with this at all.

"It's ok @SteveRannazzisi people make mistakes," the 21-year-old comedian tweeted. "Can't wait to meet my dad for lunch later."

Rannazzisi clearly didn't understand the sarcasm in Davidson's tweet and took the entire thing the wrong way. "Thank you pete. I really appreciate it," he replied, according to Us Weekly. Davidson then retweeted this, writing, "I think you missed the point..." and Ranazzisi quickly deleted his original tweet, realizing his mistake.

Davidson clearly was still mad about Ranazzisi continuing on with this lie for 14 years. "All kidding aside this @SteveRannazzisi story sucks because he's actually a funny comic and I love The League," he tweeted later on. "It's f--ked up."

Davidson's dad, Scott Davidson, was a firefighter at the time, as HNGN previously reported when Davidson posted a touching tribute to his father on the anniversary of 9/11 earlier this week. Scott Davidson passed after heroically rushing into the buildings during the attack.

Prior to the whole Davidson interaction, Rannazzisi took to his own Twitter to publicly apologize for disrespecting "those who perished and those who lost loved ones." Once he realized that Davidson was clearly hurt by his lies, he privately reached out and apologized.

"Take it easy on @SteveRannazzisi," Davidson tweeted. "He reached out to me and is truly sorry. We all sometimes lie and exaggerate a story to seem cooler...Unfortunately this is a very touchy topic n very near n dear 2 peoples hearts. Its years later but he apologized n owned up 2 it like a man."

Pete Davidson, Saturday Night Live, SNL, 9/11