Fast Food Chains Antibiotics Usage Rankings

Fast food chains are under fire after health concerns regarding the usage of antibiotics in meat has come to light. The issue of using antibiotics is concerning due to the apparent risks associated with it, such as the creation of superbugs, which grow resistant to drugs administered to livestock and leaves animals sick. After being reviewed, companies received grades with A as good and F as failing.

Using antibiotics in meat can help to alleviate illnesses in livestock, however, when overused, it can cause the opposite effect. "We know that overusing antibiotics, including in the meat supply, is a driver of the [drug-resistant bacteria] problem and yet the consumer public is in the dark when it comes to what companies' policies are," David Wallinga, a health officer at the National Resources Defense Council, told Time.

This report has disclosed a lot of information that companies do not report. Of the 25 chains reviewed, only Chipotle and Panera Bread received an A. Joints like Subway, Wendy's, Burger King, Denny's, Domino's and Starbucks received Fs in their reviews.

"Consumers should be as concerned as the foremost infectious disease doctors are, which is very concerned," said Wallinga, according to Fox News. Though people are concerned, many companies still do not seem to be doing much about these issues. "Most top U.S. chain restaurants have so far failed to effectively respond to this growing public health threat by publicly adopting policies restricting routine antibiotic use by their meat suppliers," according to CNN. It is unclear what will be done to preserve health and safety within these restaurants.

Mcdonald's, Panera Bread, Chipotle, Dominos, Antibiotics, Superbug, Meat, Livestock, Fast food, Restaurants