Donald Trump On Twitter: ‘Will Close Borders On My First Day’

Donald Trump took to Twitter to answer questions on everything from his strategies, plans, NFL players, Israel and guns, among other topics. Trump's twitter Q and A follows a similar initiative by Hillary Clinton to garner online interest and interaction.

Trump began by saying that he would "totally protect Israel" if elected president, reports The Hill.

When asked what he would do during his first day as President, Trump said, "The first thing I'd do in my first day as president is close up our borders so that illegal immigrants cannot come into our country," reports Press TV.

The questions ranged from the serious to the wacky, critical, absurd to the scathing, including the mandatory questions on his hair, as reported by Salon. Trump answered a few of the questions in short videos filmed at Twitter's headquarters in New York City.

What would be your first three tasks as President? Trump's response.

Moving away from politics, Trump took time out to discuss Dallas Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo having to leave a game against the Philadelphia Eagles with a fractured collarbone.

"The fact that Tony Romo got hurt is a terrible thing for the Dallas Cowboys. I think Tony is a great guy - I know him - and he's also a great football player. And it will certainly hurt Dallas. But their defense is excellent," Trump said, according to The Hill. At the end of the session Trump tweeted that he had had a great time, reports Quartz.

A feeling shared by many who found a reason to ridicule the business tycoon during the Twitter session, which has proved to have not made good business sense.

Donald Trump, Twitter, Israel, Border control, New York City