Cory Booker's 'Flirty' Twitter Messages With Stripper Surface: 'Most Shocking Part of This Story Was Learning There Is a Vegan Strip Club In Portland'

Newark Mayor Cory Booker is no Anthony Weiner, but a Buzzfeed article shows the New Jersey Senate candidate having a private direct message conversation with a 26-year-old stripper on Twitter.

The woman's name is Lynsie Lee and works at Casa Diablo, which Lee claims is the world's first vegan strip club in Portland, Ore. Buzzfeed chronicled the conversation, showing their readers a "flirty" exchange between Booker and Lee.

"The East Coast loves you, and by the East Coast, I mean me," Booker wrote in a Twitter DM.

Lee responded: "Well, now I'm blushing :)"

Booker replied: "It's only fair."

And that's where the flirting ends, but it's enough for Lee to want more.

"If you're POTUS I call dibs on First Lady," Lee tweeted to Booker.

If you were looking for a Weiner scandal part two, you're out of luck, as Book is not following in the footsteps of the former United States House of Representatives member.

"I think it's pretty well known that the mayor talks with people from all walks of life on Twitter," Booker campaign spokesperson Kevin Griffis told Buzzfeed. "There have been a couple of stories about that over the years. Really, the most shocking part of this story was learning there is a vegan strip club in Portland."

Booker found humor in Buzzfeed's article, and tweeted a response back to the multi-media website.

"All right @BuzzFeedBen last time I ever appear in a film with you! Sorry @erinscafe (big smile)," Booker wrote.

Lee also began tweeting her own innuendos and puns to the Buzzfeed article, including sayings like "Booker Hooker."

"Although, if all of this prevents me from being Cory's First Lady when he's POTUS I will seek revenge ;)," Lee posted on Twitter.

Unlike Weiner during his sexting scandal with multiple women, Booker is a single man.

WARNING: The Buzzfeed article contains nude photos NSFW. Click here to view the post. Lynsie Lee's Twitter account also contains nudity, click here to view the page.

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