Samsung Gear VR Headset Hitting Stores This Fall

Samsung is set to release its Gear VR headset this November, which is a consumer version of the Oculus virtual-reality headset and will give users the ability to experience VR games and videos to their fullest, according to eWeek. The product will be priced at just $99 and be compatible with smartphones such as the Samsung Galaxy Note 5, Galaxy S6 Edge+ and more.

"Samsung has been at the forefront of delivering mobile experiences and [the] Gear VR Innovator Edition launched last year was no exception," said Jong-Kyun Shin, CEO and president of the IT and mobile division of Samsung Electronics. "We see virtual reality as the next computing platform, and we are thrilled to partner with Oculus on Gear VR to set the standard for mobile VR and bring this revolutionary product to consumers."

Some of the device's unique features include an infrared LED constellation-tracking system and an integrated VR audio system to bring its users a completely immersive experience, according to Inferse.

In terms of software, Samsung currently has plans to release VR-compatible versions of classic arcade games that will allow users to control the games with head movements, according to Gazette Review.

The VR headset market is expected to continue to grow, and Samsung plans on capitalizing on this potential.

"We see virtual reality as the next computing platform," said Shin.

Samsung, Gear, Vr, Samsung Gear VR, Fall, November, Galaxy S6, CEO, IT, Samsung Electronics, Virtual reality, Led