Florida Man? Nope! Florida Monkey Eats Mail, Vandalizes Police Car (VIDEO)

A monkey went on a rampage Monday morning after he escaped from his owner's home and wreaked havoc at the Hidden Lakes subdivision in Sanford, Fla.

The monkey, named Zeek, was first spotted by a neighbor eating mail from a mailbox. The neighbor then called the police via 911 at around 8 a.m., according to the Daily Mail UK.

Five police officers and several members of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission were on the scene to try and subdue the monkey as a safety measure, for they were uncertain of whether or not the macaque would be hostile.

In trying to capture the monkey, the officers shook a water bottle at him as well as blocking the road using a patrol car. However, the methods resulted with the monkey going on top of the patrol car and destroy its molding.

Eventually the monkey's owner, who had the permit to take in the animal, joined in on the chase. He was able to get the monkey to calm down and jump into his arms within 20 minutes, according to CBS News.

The Sanford Police Department posted photos and videos of the monkey running amok. It is unclear whether or not charges will be filed, according to the Atlantic Journal-Constitution.

Macaque, Monkey, Florida, Animal behavior, Odd news, Weird news
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