UPDATE 10/2/14, 6:21 p.m.: Nine victims of the Umpqua Community College shootings have been identified. They are Lucero Alcaraz, 19; Quinn Glen Cooper, 18; Kim Saltmarsh Dietz, 59; Lucas Eibel, 18; Jason Dale Johnson, 33; Lawrence Levine, 67; Sarena Dawn Moore, 44; Treven Taylor Anspach, 20; and Rebecka Ann Carnes, 18, according to NBC News.
Levine was a teacher at the college.
UPDATE 10/2/14, 12:56 p.m.: A federal agency reported that Christopher Harper Mercer was armed with three pistols, a rifle, five extra magazines and body armor during the shooting that led to the deaths of 10 people at Umpqua Community College, according to KSL.
The final death count has been confirmed to be 10, including the shooter after he was killed in a shootout with police, reported the Associated Press. Several others were injured during the shooting but are expected to survive.
UPDATE 10/1/14. 9:46 p.m.: The man behind the shootings at Oregon's Umpqua Community College has been identified by multiple law enforcement officials familiar with the case as 26-year-old Chris Harper Mercer, according to NBC's Sacramento affiliate KCRA.
This information refutes preliminary reports stating the suspect was 20.
UPDATE 10/1/14, 5:53 p.m.: The shooter allegedly identified as a 20-year-old male was reportedly a member of 4chan and declared his intentions in a thread last night, according to Jezebel.
In a cached version of the thread that can be viewed here or here, the alleged shooter warned: "Don't go to school tomorrow if you're in the Northwest."
While it's still unconfirmed whether the threat was legitimate, the same board is blowing up with responses.
Even if legitimate, however, any connection between the threat and the UCC shooting is still unverified.
UPDATE 4:21 p.m.: The White House said that President Barack Obama has been notified about the shooting by his homeland security adviser, reported the Associated Press. At his request, he will continue to receive updates about the incident throughout the day.
UPDATE 3:17 p.m.: Police from the Douglas County Sheriff's office report the shooter in the incident was killed, reported USA Today, refuting a previous claim from a Douglas County Fire official who claimed the suspect was allegedly in custody.
Authorities report that there is an active shooter on the campus of Oregon's Umpqua Community College.
A spokesman for the Douglas County Sheriff's office said officers were at the scene and are investigating, according to NBC News.
News of the incident broke out late Thursday afternoon following reports of the incident from students on Twitter:
Omg there's someone shooting on campus.
— Kayla Marie (@KP_KaylaMarie) October 1, 2015
Preliminary reports indicated that 10 people were killed while at least 20 were injured during the shooting, however a tweet from KATU News, a station based in Portland, tweeted that Oregon State Police confirmed 15 dead, according to the International Business Times.
Oregon State Police confirm 15 dead in #UCCShooting. #LiveOnK2 — KATU News (@KATUNews) October 1, 2015
Police have yet to comment on Twitter about the incident, but a Douglas County Fire official confirmed that the shooter, who remains unnamed, has been detained.
Authorities are now working to determine a motive for the shootings.