National Walk Your Dog Week: Each Time You Walk, You Can Earn Money For Homeless Animals

It's National Walk Your Dog Week from Oct. 1 until Oct. 7, but how much more motivated would you be if you knew each time you walked your dog, you were helping the homeless dogs at the animal shelter of your choice? Download the Walk for a Dog app by Wooftrax, and a contribution is made in your name every time you take your dog for a walk. It's that simple.

So, the next time you are exercising both you and your dog, how about you also walk for a dog with this fun and philanthropic app. It comes in both iPhone and Android friendly downloads and takes just a minute to download and set up. Then all you have to do is get out that leash and get walking! Wooftrax encourages you to multiply the contributions by telling your friends, family and co-workers about it. Get everyone out there helping!

Each walk, no matter the distance - around the block or 5 miles - qualifies for a donation to your chosen shelter. And there are 6,000 shelters across the U.S. to choose from.

"The miles are factored in, but not heavily," said CEO Dough Hexter, according to the Huffington Post, "as Walk for a Dog users are of all ages and abilities. A walk with your dog around the block or a 5 mile hike all count. We simply wanted to encourage people of all ages and abilities to get out there and walk their dog."

In the year since it has launched, there have been over 3,000,000 walks. Whew! And to celebrate National Walk Your Dog Week, it's time for you to contribute as well. Your dog will thank you for the exercise and quality time you two spend together, your waist line and doctor will be thrilled you are out moving and best of all, the homeless animals at the shelter will benefit from much needed donations.

"I learned about WoofTrax and figured, 'What a great way to earn money for my favorite nonprofit,'" dog lover Pamela Buck said, according to the San Francisco Chronicle. "I feel strongly about greyhound rescue, and it means a lot to know that I can help contribute." Buck's chosen Walk for a Dog recipient is Golden State Greyhound Adoption, and when Buck takes her pair of greyhounds, Cali and Luna, for their walks, Golden State Greyhound Adoption receives the donation the trio earns.

Luna, Nonprofit, Animal shelter, Walk, Job, Leash, Exercise, San francisco, California, U.S., App, Iphone, Android