‘Game of Thrones’ Season 6 SPOILERS: Tyrion Deals With Famine in Meereen?

Thus far, the majority of spoilers concerning the sixth season of "Game of Thrones" have centered on Kit Harington's Jon Snow with some of Maisie Williams' Arya Stark and Gwendoline Christie's Brienne of Tarth thrown in. What we haven't heard much about is what's going on with Peter Dinklage's Tyrion Lannister, arguably the most popular character on the entire show.

However, The Independent is reporting that Dinklage was spotted with Conleth Hill (Varys) this week, walking through Mereen.

If you'll remember, Tyrion was left in charge of the city at the close of season five. Daario and Ser Jorah had left in search for Daenerys, who flew away on the back of Drogon. Tyrion now faces the difficult task of holding together a city in the midst of a full blown rebellion.

According to Watchers on the Wall, there have been a handful of casting calls for extremely thin actors, including one for a character who is "an emaciated street woman in her thirties, a painfully thin woman living in extreme poverty with a starving baby." This suggests that Mereen could be suffering from a famine, perhaps as their food source has been cut off by the Yunkai and other attacking slaver cities.

L7R also reports that a scene between Tyrion and Varys was shot in front of a green screen that will be used as a port, with Vary bidding Tyrion farewell and calling him "the world's most famous dwarf," meaning Tyrion may be left alone in Mereen to deal with the growing crisis. Forget trial by combat, this is a true trial by fire for Tyrion as a ruling politician.

It sounds as if Tyrion will be thrust deep into the political struggle of Mereen as he attempts to regain the ruling prowess he displayed when serving as Hand of the King in King's Landing.

Season six of "Game of Thrones" is expected to return in April of 2016.

Hbo, Game of Thrones, Peter Dinklage, Maisie Williams, Arya Stark, Kit Harington