'Avengers: Age of Ultron' Teasers: James Spader Discusses The Role of Ultron And How He's Already Started To Prepare

By now, most fans of the franchise have heard that James Spader, star of the new series "The Blacklist" will play the villain Ultron in Joss Whedon's upcoming sequel to "The Avengers." During a promotional ctour for his new TV show, Spader gave people an update on the project and how he has already started to prepare for his role battling against Iron Man, Captain America, Thor and the Hulk.

"I have spoken to Joss Whedon about it, Spader told The Inquirer. "Just this weekend I went in for them to take very extensive photographs, head scans, body scans and all kinds of things in preparation for figuring out how the hell I'm gonna fit in this Ultron character."

About a month ago Spader was announced as the villain in "The Avengers: Age of Ultron." He will play an advanced robot who will take on all of Earth's mightiest heroes.

"I'm not a planner," Spader told the Independent. "I like to try something different, to just see what happens... I think it'll be a lot of fun and it's incredibly nostalgic for me. When I was a kid my best friend had trunks of comics and I didn't have any so I used to love going for sleepovers at his house. Also I have three sons and two of them have a great interest in comics so they're excited I'm playing the role."

The Ultron character from the comic books was originally created by Ant Man, but Ant Man won't be introduced into the Marvel cinematic universe until after the second Avengers movie comes out. Since that time speculation has been running rampant as people guess where the being will come from - perhaps a creation of S.H.I.E.L.D. or Tony Stark?

Meanwhile, while Spader promotes his role in the May 2015 film, Whedon's "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D" debuted recently continuing the adventures of Earth's non-super hero protectors. It can be seen Tuesday nights on ABC.

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