Michigan Woman Shoots At Shoplifter In Home Depot Parking Lot

Shots rang out in a Home Depot in the suburbs of Detroit, Mich. on Tuesday when a female shopper fired on an alleged shoplifter who was attempting to flee the scene, according to Yahoo! News.

The woman saw a guard chase after the alleged thief while in the parking lot, and took action. Luckily, no one was harmed in this shooting event. The female shooter has a license to carry a concealed weapon. It's not known at this time if she is facing any criminal charges for her actions.

"You have to know the entire situation before you pull that handgun out. And I don't see that a shoplifter at Home Depot fills any of those criteria," Doreen Hankins, who owns Detroit Free Arms and gives Concealed Pistol License lessons, said, according to The Detroit Free Press.

The shooting happened around 2 p.m. local time. The alleged shoplifter is said to have jumped into a waiting vehicle to make a getaway. Authorities believe the female shooter, who opened fire on the vehicle, might have shot out a tire. The alleged shoplifter escaped with about $1,000 in store items.

The shooter stayed on the scene and cooperated fully with police. She's been released pending further investigation. The Auburn Hills Police Department is actively seeking information about the events, according to The Chicago Tribune.

Home Depot, Detroit, Parking lot, Shooting, Shooter, Weird news, Odd, Odd news