Child ISIS Jihadi Threatens To Behead U.S. President (VIDEO)

A very young jihadi holding a rocket-propelled grenade launcher was featured in a recent propaganda video released by the Islamic State. The boy, who appears to be about 10 years old, boldly tells U.S. President Barack Obama that he is "dreaming" if he thinks that American soldiers will retake the areas that ISIS has claimed, reported the Daily Mail.

After stating that Obama must pay the Islamic State the jiz'yah, a religious tax, the boy threatened to behead the U.S. President, calling him the "Dog of Rome," a reference to the U.S.' allegiance to the Vatican and the U.S.' active part in the fight against ISIS.

"If you think your soldiers will enter the land of the Caliphate and pollute it with their filth, you're dreaming. Wake up from your sleep and pay the jiz' yah in submission before the swords of the caliphate reach you and cut your filthy head," the child said, pointing a finger to the sky.

The boy's daring message was featured at the end of a 10-minute propaganda video. Apart from the child's message to the U.S. president, the video also featured ISIS fighters in training, jumping through hoops, firing guns at targets, and diving over flames, Fox 17 News reported.

Dramatic music was playing in the background while the images were being displayed.

However, Mark Drumbl, a professor at Washington and Lee Law School and author of Reimagining Child Soldiers in International Law and Policy, believes that the contents of the video should not be blown out of proportion.

"Child soldiers appear in nearly any conflict. This is nothing that's necessarily new, the shock factor is largely because of ISIL's reputation of spectacular violence," he said.

Watch the video here:

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Child, ISIS, RPG, Propaganda, Islamic State, U.S. President Barack Obama, Obama, Vatican, Caliphate, Training, Author