Democratic Debate Drinking Game: When To Drink What While The Dems Duke It Out In Sin City

The Grand Old Party had its first two debates and now it's time for the Democrats to take the stage. For proper education on the things you should really know, check out HNGN's lowdown on the debate HERE.

Once you know who and when and what channel, you're ready to break out the booze and settle in for a night of... well, what can we expect?

The folks at have set it all up for you.

The Democratic candidates at the podiums will include: Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Martin O'Malley, Lincoln Chafee and Jim Webb. "Lawrence Lessig did not meet the requirements established by CNN and the DNC, but rumor has it CNN is keeping an extra podium on hand just in case Joe Biden decides to join the fun - he sure kept the 2012 VP Debate Drinking Game interesting (although that might have just been the bourbon)," the site reads.

Here are the rules:

The style of the game is a homage to Texas Hold 'Em. Each candidate will have a few "buzz" words (that will, yes, get you "buzzed") assigned to them, plus three community words.

1.) First, pick your candidate. Whenever your candidate says one of their buzz words, you drink. Whenever any candidate says one of the three community words, everyone drinks.

(A "drink" is defined as a sip of beer, wine or liquor.)

2.) If your candidate is:

Hillary Clinton, drink when she says families and/or guns;

Bernie Sanders, drink when he says inequality and/or education;

Martin O'Malley, drink when he says middle class and/or economy;

Jim Webb, drink when he says military and/or Reagan;

Lincoln Chafee, drink when he says record and/or environment.

If any of the candidates say Trump, trade and/or Syria, everyone drinks!

When you report to work hungover on Wednesday, tell your boss you were doing your civic duty by becoming informed about the candidates. (If you say we told you to say that, you're on your own!)

Be sure to watch the debate along with Headlines and Global News and share your thoughts (sober or otherwise) with us on Twitter at @HNGNcom.

No cable? No problem! CNN will be streaming the debate live (no password required).

Right now, the only way to follow the debate drinking game live stream/live scores is via this link, but as soon as a video becomes available, HNGN will have it right here for you!

Las Vegas, Cnn, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, Vice President Joe Biden, Families, Guns, Inequality, Education, Middle class, Economy, Military, Record, Environment, Trade, Syria, Tweet, Twitter, Live stream, Hangover