Guy Pearce and Kate Mestitz have officially announced their split after 18 years of marriage, and as hard as it may have been on them, the actor is keeping a very positive attitude over the whole thing.
"Rumors r true I'm afraid," the 48-year-old "Hurt Locker" actor tweeted yesterday. "Kate and I parted ways back in Jan. Sorry 2 be boring but we couldn't be closer. We'll love each other 4 ever xx."
Earlier today, he released a statement confirming that this tweet was in fact a real tweet, according to Us Weekly. "Kate and I will always love and support one another and be the best of friends," he said. "No one knows me like Kate does, and we'll forever be appreciative of our mutual respect. We've both grown enormously through our relationship, but sadly, the time has come to part ways."
He also tweeted a photo of the two of them smiling and then another of Mestitz, writing, "The best 20+ years of my life - with this beautiful lady...."
The two first met in 1980 while attending Geelong College in Australia, according to People. They eventually got married in 1997 and went on to live pretty private lives together.
They never had any children, which was a personal choice of theirs. "I don't even need them," Pearce told The Guardian in 2007. "There are enough babies in the world. Besides, I don't think I would be good for babies. I'd be on and off. I think they need more consistent affection than I would be able to give."
"I'm not consistent enough to be a parent," he also said in 2012, according to The Sydney Morning Herald. "I blow too hot and cold. Kate jokes that we'd end up on the news for throwing a child out of the window."
He also shared some tips on how they kept their marriage strong for so many years. "The secret to marriage is being prepared to put your ego aside and say you made a mistake and that you are sorry," he explained. "When people have small fights and break up, I think it's because they subconsciously know they don't really want to be together."
Rumours r true I'm afraid - Kate and I parted ways back in Jan. Sorry 2 be boring but we couldn't be closer. We'll love each other 4 ever xx
— Guy Pearce (@TheGuyPearce) October 12, 2015 — Guy Pearce (@TheGuyPearce) October 12, 2015
The best 20 years of my life - with this beautiful lady.....
— Guy Pearce (@TheGuyPearce) October 12, 2015