Facebook Testing Video Hub To Compete With YouTube And Google

Facebook is now testing a video page in its app as one of its new features in an attempt to challenge Google and YouTube as a resource for online videos, according to the Financial Times. The announcement, made Tuesday, will help users find videos more effectively, as opposed to having to navigate the news feed.

One of the features that will be included in the video page is a tab that includes all of the videos shared by individuals and groups that you follow, according to Engadget. This feature is almost like a cross between YouTube and Instagram and will soon be tested on select users to gauge its effectiveness. Other features include a "Suggested Videos" tab, as well as a save button to bookmark clips for later viewing.

As of now, only the "Suggested Videos" feature has been tested and, so far, Facebook is pleased with the results, according to Marketing Land. The feature is available on iPhones in most places around the world, and the company will begin testing it on the web and Android versions in the next few months.

Approximately four billion videos are watched on Facebook daily and the social media website is becoming an increasingly large hub for digital videos, posing competition to YouTube and other apps that are also benefiting from the explosion of video usage on smartphones and mobile devices.

Facebook, Youtube, Google, App, Video, Online, Mobile, Smartphones, Smartphone, Iphone, Android, Web, Internet, Mark zuckerberg, Videos