LoL Worlds 2015: What To Expect In The Quarterfinals?

The LoL Worlds 2015 Group stage was a roller coaster ride for most teams and fans, with lots of unexpected, underdog teams coming out strong during the first week, only to still get beaten-up by seasoned teams that ferociously redeemed themselves during the second week of the battles.

The eight remaining powerhouse teams of Worlds championship 2015 will battle it out again at the knockout stages of the competition in a best-of-five series, where four will emerge victorious and head to the semifinals.

As predicted, Korean teams dominated the quarterfinals. SKT1 displaying a 6-0 standing, proving its superiority over other teams early in the season, with Faker playing for most games during the group stages.

KT Rolster is not far behind, with a 5-1 standing.

The weakest team to make it seems to be AHQ from LMS (Taiwan) who had to secure their quarterfinals spot in a tiebreaker with Counter Logic Gaming, making it through with a 4-3 standing. Worse, they will be facing SKT1 in their first quarterfinals game, all the more diminishing the team's chance of ever getting to the semifinals, RedBull reports.

The most interesting match-up in the upcoming quarterfinals is the fight between Europe's top dog, Fnatic, and China's powerhouse team, Edward Gaming. EDG seems to be getting a better feedback because of its recent win over SKT T1 during the MSI final. However, Fnatic has put up a great and dramatic fight during its group stage matches, redeeming themselves from their embarrassing first week performance and regaining their powerhouse status, as previously reported by HNGN.

The quarterfinals will be held in London, England and the first match will be between LMS's Flash Wolves against EU LCS's Origen, according to LoL esports.

The game starts 12 p.m. EDT, at the SSE Arena Wembley, from Oct. 15-18.

League of legends, League of Legends 2014 World Championship., World's, Fnatic, England
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